Gilli and S.P.I.R.A. L Foundation collaborate for a long time but has now been presented a new project, very nice bags made entirely with materials that will be sold at low prices in order to enable them to purchase at all. These bags are made from about 1000 people in Viet Nam and Nepal that are paid by the hour and not about the quantity of pieces produced, also enjoy medical coverage, health conditions that are a real luxury in these countries and between a bit in our will, if this continues!
Gilli and S.P.I.R.A. bags L Foundation will be sold at a price ranging from 10 to 40 euro, you will recognize from little heart red present in each bag. The beautiful and good of you to buy at the Gilli boutiques GILLI of via della Spiga in Milan 5 and Via Roma 86 in Turin.
The funds raised from the sale of these beautiful bags will be entirely donated to the Foundation S.P.I.R.A. that will use it to help children less fortunate, to carry out surgical operations on children with heart disease or cancer.
Nicole Kidman has already chosen his, you expect? Unfortunately found only in Milan and Turin, and hopefully increase sales!